Annual Report
December 2023

I am pleased to report that the 100 Club raised £4600 this year, slightly down on last year.
As at the end of December there are 110 entries in the draw from 73 Contributors.
St Bartholomew 22; St Michael & All Angels 5;  St Oswald 6; St Thomas12; All Saints 65.
Payments in Prizes
Donation to expenses
Lotteries Licence
Total income
Total Expenditure
The balance of £4600.00 plus £380 of donated prize money has been distributed to the Churches.

St Bartholomew £944.02 St Michael & All Angels £257.61  St Oswald £247.16 St Thomas £658.69 All Saints £2872.52

People join and leave at different times throughout the year so the distribution is calculated each month based on the number of entries in that month.

There were 48 prizes distributed: St Bartholomew 9; St Michael & All Angels 3; St Oswald 2; St Thomas 6; All Saints 28.
Draw results were published in the “Link” Magazine and can be viewed at

Each of the five PCC’s would like to thank you for your valued support.
If you know of anyone who wants to join or if you wish to have additional entries please get in touch and I will send you details.

In 2024 we should, between us, pass the total of £100,000 raised for our Churches, well done everyone. However as I move into my 81st year on my own without Irene it is time to consider the future for this fundraiser. If you would be interested in taking over or think that an alternative activity would be more productive please get in touch with me or speak to your Treasurer or Church Warden.

Frank F. Shires 18th December 2023.