Privacy Policy

When you contribute to the Walkingham Hill 100 Club fundraiser the information you provide will be recorded on a local database.

The information will be used for the administration of the 100 Club and includes your;

Draw Number(s), Name, Address, Telephone number and email address (if supplied), the Church you are supporting and a record of the payments you have made.

If you are a winner in any of the monthly draws your Name and the name of the Church you support will be published in the “Link” magazine and on the website

If you leave the 100 Club your details will be removed from the database following the audit which takes place at the end of each calendar year.

Your Name, Address, Telephone number and email address may be shared with the Rector of the Walkingham Hill Benefice and with the Parochial Church Council of the Church you support, in order that they may contact you whilst undertaking their Pastoral Duties.